This post is brought to you by the following:
(17:31) *** Glitchd ( has joined #slitaz
(17:31) [Glitchd] uhh i guess i dumb
(17:32) [Glitchd] but i cant figure out or remember how to run a system update from terminal in slitaz 4.0
(17:32) [Glitchd] can anyone gimme a hand?
(17:32) [Glitchd] or a clue?
(17:33) [Glitchd] wow.
(17:33) [Glitchd] useless fucking room.
(17:33) *** Glitchd ( has quit (Client Quit)
Note the timestamps. He was only in the channel for 2 minutes.
This is sadly a common occurrence. In case you have the same mistaken sense of entitlement like as our friend above: We have lives, jobs, hobbies and commitments, so we aren't always at our computers. If we are there, it can take up to an hour before we respond. Please note that we do not have to help you since you are not paying us a cent. Being rude and impatient like Glitchd here will get you ignored.
If you want help from IRC then expect atleast a 30 minute wait before somebody responds. It could even be a few hours before somebody is around to help you. If you connect and act like a brat because nobody helps you under 5 minutes then I'll post it here for everybody to see. You have been warned.
PS. The command is tazpkg up
and you would have found it out if you tried tazpkg help
or even just tazpkg
without parameters.