Translation tazlito-wiz to Spanish (es_AR)
(6 posts) (2 voices)-
Translation file tazlito-wiz.po and tazlito-wiz.mo the Spanish (es_AR) This is my first contribution to the project SliTaz i18n. the download link below: talito-wiz.mo https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7xxd5-fkqJKY3lDY29JUjJhRHM tazlito-wiz.po https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B7xxd5-fkqJKbllHSjJSYjBjakEPosted 12 years ago #
Thanks, Rene!
Pushed: http://hg.slitaz.org/tazlito/rev/060492ce4431I fixed your translation file by hands: you removed all comments (please, don't remove any, only add your translations).
To the future:
The best way to generate 'po' file from scratch is: go to folder with 'pot' file and command in terminal:
msginit -l es_AR
This way we have proper headers in 'po' file (please compare your file with file on link above).It's no need to send 'mo' file — only 'po'. And I think that is quickest way to share your translation is attach to forum post (due to forum uploading restrictions, append filename with ".txt": like this "tazlito-wiz-es_AR.po.txt").
Thanks again! ;)
Posted 12 years ago # -
OK Aleksej.. after posting I realized I had error ..
Thank you for arranging and advice on how to work with them.
I will keep trying.
Regards..Posted 12 years ago # -
Relax, buddy! :D
We all make mistakes.
I long been had to write an article with the explanation given. But as long as it do not have — only myself to blame. They all can not know everything.Posted 12 years ago # -
HELP Aleksej:
Question: how do I get file .poI do like this: msgunfmt openbox.mo> openbox.po
Your I recommend: msginit -l (but ask me files. pot)
Sorry is so?: msgunfmt openbox.mo > openbox.pot
msginit -l openbox.pot
openbox.potxx: invalid multibyte secuence
all lines with this errorI'm a little confused ...
Posted 12 years ago # -
Question: how do I get file .po
I think this way. What I know about Openbox? It's version? It's sources etc.?
Open Openbox's receipt in web browser: http://pkgs.slitaz.org/search.sh?receipt=openbox&version=s
Or open file in SliTaz: /var/lib/tazpkg/installed/openbox/receiptDownload sources from: WGET_URL="http://offload2.icculus.org:9090/openbox/releases/$TARBALL"
So, I can reconstruct sources address:
http://offload2.icculus.org:9090/openbox/releases/openbox- create new folder "src" and open Sakura terminal in it, and I command wget to download file:
wget http://offload2.icculus.org:9090/openbox/releases/openbox- can download using your favorite downloader as you like, of course.
After downloading I unpack tarball with sources.
I see 'po' folder with many files, and 'openbox.pot', and ... I see 'es.po' ;) Take it!NOTE that you using Openbox- and your translation to
If you find somewhere old translation file to, for example, 2.2 version then you'll see that files have big differences in strings. Package envolved, features implemented, some strings deleted, some other added.You need any other SliTaz packages? Repeat steps above.
And there is a question. Why I see translations in the sources, but can't see in the packages?
All is simple, SliTaz is smallest Linux distro, tell me why? :›)
Sometimes existing translations are pretty outdated, sometimes I see sources without pot file. I can tell you what to do, but not now, in this short post. It's theme for big i18n article.Posted 12 years ago #
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