Starting udev daemon...
udevd[613]: error: runtime directory '/run/udev' not writable, for now falling back to '/dev/.udev'
Udevadm requesting events from the Kernel...
udevd[614]: error disabling OOM: No such file or directory
<30>udevd[614]: starting version 170
Udevadm waiting for the event queue to finish...
Using Udev for hotplugging...
Mounting filesystems in fstab...
Slitaz GNU/Linux Kernel 2.6.37-slitaz tty
(none) login: _
if I log in as tux
login: can't chdir to home directory '/home/tux'
-sh: id: not found
sh: bad number
-sh: awk: not found
tux@(none):/$ ls
bin dev etc init lib root sbin usr var
as you can see many dir are missing from filesystem (home and proc i.e.)
This system is running on an usb pen under virtualbox. It worked perfectly, then I just installed some pkg (thunar, tint, geany, midori...) and modified the variables accordingly inside the two applications.conf file (root and tux). When I rebooted I obtained that. I already tried the previous rootfs passing slitaz previous at boot, but that didn't help.