Just for the record, I ran chkrootkit in one of my laptops running Slitaz 5 rc3 but which was not updated for about 4 weeks now.
On this laptop I do not get the Unknown HZ value message and chkrootkit does not return an error with /bin/login program either.
So it seems that a recent update, I guess to busybox (that is the only one I recall being updated recently but I may be way off the mark here), that is causing this issue.
Will update this machine and report back.
My laptop was last updated 15 days ago. Recharged and updated hoping that I would be able to replicate the problem but no such problem was reported after the update.
The only other difference I noticed was that the system I am having the problem was set to POSIX locale while the laptop was set to en_AU. Changed the locale of the former to en_AU but the error message still appears.
The only other difference is that I had to load toolchain and linux source in the first machine to compile the proprietary nVidia driver which is not in use in the second.
I am reasonably confident that this is not a major problem after doing the tests but would be nice to be able to isolate the issue.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated but I will close this post for now.
Thanks everyone.