When we can expect updated kernel?
Actual v 3.16 support ending soon (April 2020)

Update kernel
(73 posts) (10 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago #
This was discussed a week ago in a thread started by kultex, entitled "Whats Next" (just scroll down and you'll see it.
Hopefully, Slitaz will upgrade the kernel from 3.16 to 4.14, which will expire in January 2024 ...
Posted 5 years ago # -
There is a festival ads of Linux OS. They speak less about updating SliTaz to new kernel they just talking about join to other teams. And other team mates are focused on updating packages - like IRC chat. Really? How many users of SliTaz use IRC apps? 2%? In my opinion this is wasting time and time again. Example - last few hour updated weechat (1.0.1 -> 2.6)
Posted 5 years ago # -
What looks to you like a waste of time, another person sees as a help to the project.
And most likely, this is the maximum possible help. Not everyone can update kernels.Changelog of the "linux" package receipt: http://hg.slitaz.org/wok/log/tip/linux/receipt
Here you can see who and when worked on the changes in the kernel recipe
(most likely it was a kernel update; but maybe something small).Posted 5 years ago # -
Hi @Aleksej. I'm very big fan of SliTaz - i was start journey with this OS 10 years ago for cracking Wi-Fi Aircrack-ng. That was beauty full times. Now I'm sad because kernel's not updated long time ago. Personally I have my own project - 1st place is a www search engine. My project is called VOOV and I wish to join to SliTaz team and integrate this OS to my websites like Windows wth Bing. Now I'm working with my mobile phones with Windows 10 and I see big potential to using old Smartphones with broken screens - you can buy it for small money usually $2-$10. I wish see SliTaz OS on that phones it would be great news for small companies which one wan to buy small servers to keep www online for small $ with full control with it.
Posted 5 years ago # -
The problem is, that you cannot run current SliTaz rolling with kernel 4 and up. I did the kernel config for SliTaz-next and in the beginning, we had some success - you can still try the isos - http://mirror1.slitaz.org/iso/next/ but a lot of segfaults.
I tried to boot SliTaz rolling with kernel 4.4, but no chance - only kernel panic.
Aleksej tried in really hard work to fix SliTAz next for 2 years, but no success, to get a working iso.So I think, the only chance is to make a cooperation, like Antix and Mepis did - now MX-Linux - https://mxlinux.org/
Posted 5 years ago # -
Non capisco quale sia il problema di compilare un kernel 4x su slitaz. Io sono un principiante di compilazioni, ma fino scaricare i sorgenti, scompattare, creare menuconfig e caricare il vecchio config file e compilare il tutto per testarlo, mi pare che non abbia avuto problemi.Poi per abilitare nuovi moduli in un secondo tempo è sempre possibile.
tux@slitaz:~$ uname -a
Linux slitaz 4.4.1-slitaz #1 SMP Thu Nov 7 11:03:05 CET 2019 i686 GNU/LinuxPosted 5 years ago # -
so why you dont contact Pascal or Hans Guenther, give them your kernel config and I am sure they will try. 4.4 is better than 3.16, but best would be 4.19, because there are also patches for spectre and meltdown inside.
I know, that it should not be no problem to switch kernel, so I tried to install next kernel. But it was in the beginning of next, I think with 4.4. Now there is 4.17 in next. Maybe it works now, because Aleksej did a lot of changes
there are 32 + 64 Bit kernels / evrerybody is free to try
Posted 5 years ago # -
Kernel 4.17.7 in Next64 works very well. I use it for a few monthes.
Some packages are broken in the repo and some others return a segmentation fault. But it is possible to install successfully apps from websites (like FreeOffice). I think Next64 could be a good base.I gave up Next 32bit at the end of 2018 because it is really too slow on old 32bit computers with less than 1GB RAM.
I'm convinced that sooner or later, SliTaz will have to move to 64bit because 32bit computers are becoming more and more rare and have trouble working with the latest versions of softwares, like web browsers for example, even the lightest. Even Rolling 32bit is now slow with 256-512 MB RAM. Only my opinion.Posted 5 years ago # -
La mia era solo una domanda... fate quello che credete meglio, per me non cambia nulla.
Per la lentezza la riscontro invece sui kernel originali (sopratutto rolling) ed è per questo che me li sono compilati sempre in modo autonomo. D'altra parte mi sembra che la letteratura di linux suggerisca che per avere il massimo occorre sempre farselo su misura.Comunque questo è il mio config file del kernel-4.4.1
http://paste.slitaz.org/?0e67f015b46fb2e3#Rz6w/5jyf53hLIjtzWpyoI0Nin/QNz66k33C0Tb9VJs=Posted 5 years ago # -
That sounds interesting - which iso did you start? Or maybe you could share a roots.gz. I am fed up with porteus, because it eats the battery. I just thought to switch to antiX, but next would be much better!
Posted 5 years ago # -
Hi kultex,
Here is a link to download the ISO where I've saved in May the first step of my tests: https://send.firefox.com/download/a8cf3249bdb15b1a/#Le1FQ0xmyKPcBH6opCzoSQ
The ISO is dowloadable till november 16th 23:20; it works in console only. There is no text editor in it (I use vi of busybox) but the text web browser Links and mc are installed; btw, you'll have to modify the network.conf becauseINTERFACE="usb0"
If my memory serves me good, tazpkg is blocked in blocked-packages.list because I needed to modify getenv to connect at the good mirror.I reinstalled Next64 from this ISO on a notebook and upgraded it to JustX then LXLauncher but I never took time to do ISOs for these two steps.
For information, I tested (from the next64 repo):
- get-palemoon → KO
- midori → OK, works like a charm (excepted the 'Save as' when downloading, 'Save'= OK) although the package is badged "broken" in the cooker.
- Iron Linux → KO (/usr/lib/iron-linux/iron is missing)
- firefox-official (59.0.3) → OK, does its update at first launch and then works really well.
- gnumeric → OK but a lot of icons are missing
- abiword → KO
- lxde → OK but displays /proc /dev ... on desktop
- lxpanel → KO
- fbpanel → OK
I'm preparing for my move. Please let me at least two/three weeks and I'll post links to download my JustX and LXlauncher ISOs.
Have a nice week end.
Posted 5 years ago # -
thx Ceel
I will download, but i also have no time in the moment...
So maybe I will not start to test, until you can post your JustX Isos
Posted 5 years ago # -
What I find interesting: 20170216 pankso cooking 4.9.10-slitaz
Pascal or Hans Guenther - you are taking care of cooking - would it be possible, that you try 4.14 in wok undigest? - its the kernel with longest support in the moment and with support for spectre and meltdown. Maybe start with the kernel config from next?
Posted 5 years ago # -
tux@slitaz:~$ uname -a
Linux slitaz 4.14.16-slitaz #2 SMP Fri Feb 9 15:22:42 Europe 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linuxtux@slitaz:~$ tazpkg -l | egrep '^glib|^gtk|^lx|server|openbox|mesa'
glib 2.52.3 x-window glib-networking 2.50.0 x-window glibc-base 2.26 base-system glibmm 2.52.0 x-window gtk+ 2.24.31 x-window gtk+3 3.22.8 x-window gtk-clearlooks 2.20.2 x-window gtk2-engine-murrine 0.98.2 customization gtkmm 2.24.5 x-window libglu-mesa 9.0.0 x-window lxappearance 0.6.3 x-window lxappearance-obconf 0.2.3 x-window lxde meta lxinput 0.3.5 x-window lxpanel x-window lxrandr 0.3.1 utilities lxsession 0.5.3 x-window lxtask 0.1.8 system-tools mesa-demos 8.4.0 development mesa17 17.2.4 x-window mesa17-dri 17.2.4 x-window mesa17-libegl 17.2.4 x-window mesa17-libgbm 17.2.4 x-window openbox 3.6.1 x-window xorg-server 1.19.3 x-window xorg-server-module-glamor 1.19.3 x-window tux@slitaz:~$ tazpkg SliTaz package manager - Version: 962 ================================================================================== Installed packages: 357 Installed files: 8902 Blocked packages: 0 Upgradeable packages: 0 Repository: Main Last recharge: 4 days ago. Database timestamp: 02/20/18 23:11 Mirrored packages: 963 ================================================================================== tux@slitaz:~$
Mirror : http://mirror1.slitaz.org/packages/next64/
# ls -l ID*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 33 Feb 20 2018 ID
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 44 Feb 20 2018 IDs# cat IDs
bdfcd4f05102cbca8ad03a2b2d1c72da 1519168296Posted 5 years ago #
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