hi there, if got the pc now to start from a usb stick. During every boot I will be asked for the language (locale) and the keyboard layout. I did find this here http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:systemutils It states:
"SliTaz saves the configuration of the default locale in /etc/locale.conf which is read by /etc/profile on each login and the keyboard setting is stored in /etc/kmap.conf."
Seems to be easy going but I just can't find /etc/locale.conf or /etc/kmap.conf on the usb stick? What am I doing wrong? Cheers Jens

usb boot language and keyboard setting
(2 posts) (2 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Add to bootloader kernel command line:
lang=* : Select language [en,fr_CH,fr_FR]
kmap=* : Select keyboard [de-latin1,fr-latin1,fr_CH-latin1...]Cooking (Linux slitaz 2.6.37-slitaz) keyboard setting is /etc/keymap.conf
Posted 13 years ago #
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