Thanks for your continued interest.
You wrote...
Did you install drbl or clonezilla?
*** Both are installed. I only remember installing clonezilla. I think drbl is another tag-along.
Can you post your tazpkg.log?
*** Yes, it is included at the end of this post.
So, check if pam is required by another package:
tazpkg rdepends pam
*** output of that command below:
busybox-pam (712K)
dropbear-pam (356K)
libcap-pam (40K)
openssh-pam (5.6M)
partimage-pam (428K)
ppp-pam (748K)
slim-pam (356K)
systemd (6.4M)
drbl (7.1M)
clonezilla (3M)
*** PAM appears to be required by systemd, drbl, and clonezilla. I think I can do without drbl and clonezilla, but I thought systemd was an essential system file.
At the update that followed the pam installation, the *-pam packages are automatically installed for the equivalent "normal" packages that are installed. I've seen this behaviour with cups: epdfview was installed on my system; during the update that followed the cups installation, epdfview-cups has been installed.
** So if I understand correctly, by "normal" package you mean eg: dropbear instead of dropbear-pam.
*** tazpkg.log is attached. The April 2022 start date of the log is the day I re-installed Slitaz because of the previous occurrence of the login issue.
tazpkg.log (82.3 KB, 88 downloads) 2 years old