Bonjour comment obtenir les modules manquants pour que ma clef usb wifi puisse fonctionner sous slitaz 5 ?
Merci d'avance
Bonjour comment obtenir les modules manquants pour que ma clef usb wifi puisse fonctionner sous slitaz 5 ?
Merci d'avance
Hello Nico
Anyone trying to help would at least have to know which usb-wifi-dongle you are talking about.
Open up a terminal, type lsusb, identify your wifi and post the ID.
(it looks like xxxx:xxxx)
First guess, the firmware is missing.
hello, sixofeight,
Finally, I returned on slitaz 4. The network is automatically scanned and it works very well. Now I just need to know how to read youtube video with this version of midori (0.4.6).
Thanks !
Ps: do you think I should have stay on slitaz 5, RC3 ? I just need to use this very old computer for the child at my job ( social officier..)
re thanks
Hi Nico
Hmmm...a recommendation...that's difficult.
I loved SliTaz 4 and got problems with version 5.
Others had the opposite experience.
But one thing's for sure:
Midori never worked well for me (if at all) with youtube, but Firefox did.
(Midori also had issues with TLS-handshake and https pages)
Bonne chance!
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