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not resolved newbie running into problems installing to a 10 year old Vaio notebook... 2 domcox 13 years
resolved slitaz is amazing 8-) 5 aniguenni 13 years
resolved How to delete start menu items? 1 mentalpigeon 13 years
resolved problem with aod250-1197 10 hemund 13 years
resolved Grub4DOS + Persistence on HDD 7 romano 13 years
not resolved Can't install Slitaz from CD 1 Anonymous 13 years
resolved hosts file not persisting 3 Mike Jones 13 years
resolved Adding applications to menu. 4 mentalpigeon 13 years
not a support question How can I remove My Documents from desktop? 2 mojo 13 years
not resolved How can I disable the usb-storage devices in slitaz? 4 tdapower 13 years
not a support question Latest cooking, XFCE not works! 1 lionel 13 years
resolved Install on SDD card in eeePC boot problem with Grub 3 Anonymous 13 years
resolved Creating Live CD Makes a command line iso - no GUI 6 Anonymous 13 years
resolved Skype Dynamic 7 Trixar_za 13 years
not a support question still trying to get my Dell C400 work with slitaz 3.0 6 christophe 13 years