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resolved WordGrinder traitement de texte ultra-léger / WG lightweight word-processor 4 Rantanplan 2 years
resolved Ecouter musique format .opus / Listen music .opus format without player 4 Rantanplan 2 years
resolved Sylpheed paquet langue française / Sylpheed lang-pack fr_FR 4 Rantanplan 2 years
resolved Gnumeric dépendance non précisée / Gnumeric missing dependency 3 Rantanplan 2 years
resolved Truecrypt dependance manquante dans TazPanel / Truecrypt missing dependancy 3 Rantanplan 2 years
not a support question alsactl messages at startup 1 HGT 2 years
resolved Joueurs / Gamers 1 Rantanplan 2 years
not a support question gftp without ssl support 2 Bellard 2 years
resolved kernel module rtl8821ae missing 3 HGT 2 years
not a support question "welcome to your box" 4 Djalin 2 years
resolved Report: apache with php-apache crashes 2 rerivero 2 years
not a support question Filezilla requires libmspack dependency 1 rerivero 2 years
not resolved Failed to execute login command 4 gibor 2 years
not resolved booting slitaz from iso file using grub2 - 2 16 Ceel 2 years
resolved dvtm does not work without ncursesw-extra 2 Bellard 2 years