I first tried to use the standard get-flash-plugin technique:
#tazpkg get-flash-plugin
But the second line did not invoke wget and did not install libflashplayer.so anywhere I could find.
I went to the Adobe website and downloaded the file: install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz, saving it to /home/tux/Download/Flash11. I then opened an xterm window, changed to that directory, and entered:
#tar -xzf install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz
This leaves the file libflashplayer.so in the current directory.
I then entered:
#cp -p libflashplayer.so /usr/share/flash
to put the libflashplayer.so file into the correct share folder. (Note, I had to create the /usr/share/flash folder first.)
Next, I opened the .profile file in my /home/tux folder and added the line:
export MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH="/usr/share/flash"
to the bottom of the file, saved, and closed the file. Note that I am using a full install on a CF card, so I did not need to do the "tazusb writefs gzip" command.
I then logged out of the Xterm session, logged in again to Xterm, then started Midori. When I went to a page known to contain a flash file, the page informed me that my browser did not have the correct flash player installed.
I opened Midori's sidepanel to view the extensions and noticed that libflashplayer.so was grayed out, with a note that libssl3.so was missing.
I then went to an Xterm window and entered:
#ldd /usr/share/flash/libflashplayer.so
It reported that the following dependencies were missing:
How do I fulfill these dependencies? Should I use an earlier version of the flash player, say, 10?