Hi, I'm new to Slitaz, but loving it.
I'm setting up an old PC for my kids and found a few games that dont work.
Frogatto & Tuxmath for starters, but the biggest bummer is zsnes emulator. It actually works, can play games no problem. Just can't exit. Try to exit and desktop hangs. Can kill it from tty tho so pc not completely dead... but not ideal when setting up pc for 5-year old...
Tuxmath is weird, it installs, but wont run, and wont remove. Try to remove, it says its not installed.
Would be cool if retroarch was available....lot easier than configuring controls/etc on multiple emulators.... and extreme tux racer, but I bet I could build that myself...
Would also be cool if gcompris & childplay were updated, but at least the old versions in repo do work great!
I posted another thread trying to build a more modern supertux myself, but the ancient one from repos also works great.