Does anyone could explain to me why I can not enter more than 4 characters in login like this one:
Does anyone could explain to me why I can not enter more than 4 characters in login like this one:
You do know you can only enter like 5 characters into the Numéro FSVL field right?
Actually, this is the problem: under Slitaz I can enter ONLY 4 numbers. On others OS, I can enter the required 5 digits.
On this web site, this is the same problem: http://www.bcv.ch/en/ as on this one: http://www.shv-fsvl.ch/member/login.php?lang=fr
There is something I am missing but what?
The issue is browser on http://www.shv-fsvl.ch/member/login.php?lang=fr
tazweb and midori allow 4 characters
firefox,opera,and google-chrome allow 5 characters
I finally discovered why this happens (with the help of Midori devs):
It appears the problem is related to libwebkit version. According to advices I got from Midori forum, we must install libwebkit >= 1.6
Now I am a bit lost because when I installed libwebkit 1.6.1 (available for cooking), Midori stopped working with the following message:
root@slitaz:/home/tux/Downloads# midori
midori: error while loading shared libraries: libwebkit-1.0.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Thank you for any help you could give here.
I boot into slitaz-xorg-lite.iso from 20110602
#tazpkg recharge
#tazpkg -gi libwebkit --forced
Update midori and tazweb,they depend on libwebkit.
#tazpkg -gi midori --forced
#tazpkg -gi tazweb --forced
Midori/tazweb will not start,missing libffi.so.5
#tazpkg -gi libffi
Midori/tazweb starts, missing libp11-kit.so.0 and libaspell.so.15
#tazpkg -gi aspell
#tazpkg -gi p11-kit
Midori starts with SSL cert error which is normal
tazweb starts with no errors
Upgraded midori/tazweb allow 5 characters in login
Yeap Mojo,
Thank you so much. I followed your step by step instructions, and it works like a charm.
hi there, i got the same problem, but i cannot resolve it. no possibility to input more than 5 characters in the input field of some different websites to login for personal entrance. on firefox 3.6 i can.
any idea?
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