ad-hoc with no security
Substitute wlan0 for your wireless adapter name.
Open terminal,su, password: root
Before you shut down the adapter with slitaz script run a scan:
# iwlist wlan0 scan
<= you should see the Cell broadcast from the phone with ESSID:<phone essid> and Mode:Ad-Hoc
# /etc/init.d/ stop
# iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-Hoc
# iwconfig wlan0 essid <phone essid> key off
# iwconfig wlan0 txpower on
# ifconfig wlan0 wlan0 up
# udhcpc -b -i wlan0
<= To get ip,gateway,dns address from phones dhcp server.
To use ad-hoc in normal peer-to-peer without a dhcp server/internet connection sharing on one of the peers you assign each computer a different ip in the same subnet.
# ifconfig wlan0 netmask up
<= computer a
# ifconfig wlan0 netmask up
<= computer b