Hello all,
Brave is a web browser based on chromium. I discovered it a few weeks ago, installed it on my android smartphone and adopted it immediately. It is really faster than all others I used before.
After a few difficulties, I succeded to download a .deb package and converted it in .tazpkg.
Brave is only available for 64bit Linux distro so the package will work only with Next64.
The .desktop file in /usr/share/applications returns
Failed to execute child process "/usr/bin/brave-browser-stable" (No such file or directory)
and yet, the file is present and permissions seem good...
So you'll have to modify it (btw, logos are in /opt/brave.com/brave)
To run Brave, type in a terminal
$ /opt/brave.com/brave/brave
You can also copy the code in your applications.conf file.
To run it from a root terminal, add the --no-sandbox
# /opt/brave.com/brave/brave --no-sandbox
A last detail: brave is NOT a lightweight web browser...
But that shouldn't be a problem for 64bit computers.`