Still can't get to view YouTube video's even though i downloaded install_flash_player_11_linux.i386.tar.gz and then typed (in the terminal) tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz
Can't find an Installme or Readme file. Could anyone help me please. Thanks
Flash Player
(19 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Have tried the following tazpkg get-install get-flash-plugin && get-flash-plugin but still no success. Really need flash to be up and running because i need it for my tutorials. Help anyone please.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I created a custom Firefox 9.0.1 with flash 11 support. You can download from here: remove get-flash-plugin and libfirefox packages since they use old libraries.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Hi hpce2
I went along to and downloaded firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg. I also removed get-flash-plugin and libfirefox packages using tazpkg remove filename. But when i tried to install the downloaded file using tazpkg install firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg i had no luck?Posted 12 years ago # -
what's the problem? can you post the tazpkg output?
Posted 12 years ago # -
It should work with the Firefox version (and internal updates) found @
It's just a remade cooking package which worked for me minus the annoying libfirefox (which got changed to firefox) dependency
Posted 12 years ago # -
danny@slitaz:~ su
root@slitaz:/home/danny# tazpkg install firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg
cpio: short read
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689 can't open /tmp/tazpkg-26449-32121/receipt
cpio: short read
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689 can't open /tmp/tazpkg-26449-32121/receipt
root@slitaz:/home/danny#Posted 12 years ago # -
i am guessing that you don't have "cpio" package installed? i've never encountered this error before. Try the following (as root):
$ tazpkg recharge
$ tazpkg upgrade
$ tazpkg search cpio --> to check if it has been installed or not
$ tazpkg get-install cpioPosted 12 years ago # -
Have carried out (as root) all of your suggestions and finally successfully installed cpio 2.10. I then tried to install firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg but only to get the following output:
cpio: premature end of file
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689: can't open /tmp/tazpkg-2878-1480/receipt
cpio: premature end of file
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689: can't open /tmp/tazpkg-2878-1480/receiptI currently have the file firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg in my /Home/danny folder. Would it make any difference if i moved it to the /usr/bin/tazpkg folder?
Posted 12 years ago # -
the firefox package will be installed under /usr/local.
It also copies some firefox preferences to /home/tux so make sure tux user exists.
To add the tux user, type: adduser tuxPosted 12 years ago # -
Have added a new user using adduser tux but still unable to install firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg sob
Posted 12 years ago # -
Interesting thing to note: SliTaz does NOT use /usr/local at all. Just don't use it if you can avoid it. If you're compiling something use ./configure --prefix=/usr to set the path correctly.
Do not combine big non-free packages like this. It shouldn't need tux to exist to work nor should it be using /usr/local.
Just use my firefox, upgrade it to 9.0.1 and use the modified copy of get-flash-plugin I posted before to make flash work... It may fail the first time you try it (It did for me originally) - just run get-flash-plugin again when that happens. It will eventually work. I'm using BOTH so it's a clear sign that it works.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Then try this last resort manually:
- download firefox and flash and unzip them
- copy and overwrite firefox/lib/* to /usr/lib (require root)
- copy to firefox/plugins/
- and run firefox/firefoxviola! you have firefox with flash.
>As a third note: Do not combine big non-free packages like this.
>It shouldn't need tux to exist to work nor should it be using /usr/local.These custom packages are made and used for the live DVD, where the default user is tux. Also, they are installed on /usr/local for easy to manage and configure.
Posted 12 years ago # -
*sigh* Using /usr/local doesn't make it easy to manage and configure. It makes it not work. It's not included in $PATH meaning anyway you put in there will never work. Use /usr/lib/firefox-version/ like the rest of us. Also expecting tux is unreasonable. Don't use the /home/tux/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/plugins/ to save the flash-player plugin. Use /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ instead.
It's simple things like that means the difference between a broken package and a working one. Do you get what I'm saying now? Don't just ignore suggestions made by people that know and use SliTaz daily. We know what works and what doesn't. Don't assume you know better because /other/ linuxes works like that.
Also I do love how my suggestions are being ignored. That's not the last resort. Just use my Firefox found @ and upgrade it to version 9.0.1 like the rest of the SliTaz users! Then just use and install to get flash. Simple, efficient and IT WORKS.
Posted 12 years ago # -
These errors indicate the firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg your trying to install is broken.
root@slitaz:/home/danny# tazpkg install firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg
cpio: short read
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689 can't open /tmp/tazpkg-26449-32121/receipt
cpio: short read
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689 can't open /tmp/tazpkg-26449-32121/receipt
cpio: premature end of file
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689: can't open /tmp/tazpkg-2878-1480/receipt
cpio: premature end of file
/usr/bin/tazpkg: .: line 2689: can't open /tmp/tazpkg-2878-1480/receiptPost the output:
md5sum firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkg@hpce2
Post the output:
md5sum firefox-custom-9.0.1.tazpkgPosted 12 years ago #
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