In the cook log of slitaz-toolchain
I can see
Build dependencies to remove: 1
Removing: gawk
but slitaz-toolchain
in its receipt
How this is possible?
In the cook log of slitaz-toolchain
I can see
Build dependencies to remove: 1
Removing: gawk
but slitaz-toolchain
in its receipt
How this is possible?
slitaz-toolchain is a meta package that executes the build of 5 packages listed in it's depends.
Determine the build depends of every depends of slitaz-toolchain and the depends of wanted.
Wanted triggers the build of a package that a subpackage must source it's files from.
Subpackage or split package examples are -dev,-base,linux-,firmware-
glibc-dev is a depends of slitaz-toolchain
glibc-dev wanted glibc
glibc build depends includes gawk
make is a depends of slitaz-toolchain
make depends on glibc-base
glibc-base wanted glibc
glibc build depends includes gawk
Thank you very much mojo.
I did this search but looked only at the BUILD_DEPENDS
Looking deeper in the receipt of glibc I found gawk hidden at line 72:
[ -d "/var/lib/tazpkg/installed/gawk" ] || tazpkg get-install gawk
with always this comment
# SliTaz is a Busybox based OS, why we so small and fast. Using gawk by
# default to build package will not ensure package work with Busybox awk
# and so should NOT be use to cook.
We use gawk but we shouldn't... ;)
Thanks again.
As far as I understood mojo (and my experience with starting a wok from scratch using LFS instructions shares the same), it's not that we generally use gawk though we shouldn't.
It's just that some single packages require gawk and not busybox awk, glibc as "the foundation of the whole system" being one of them.
So we just use gawk where absolutely necessary and rely on busbybox awk wherever we can...
Sorry, if I misinterpreted your last comment...
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