sorry mojo, if I interfered - but for example the Zincom stick does not work with Compat-wireless-2011-12-30.tar.bz2 - it works only with compat-wireless-2.6.37-4.tar.bz2

help needed with USB wireless adapter
(23 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
@mojo Thanks for your help but it still seems to come up with the same error
Posted 13 years ago # -
first - sorry - the driver is not included in compat-wireless-2.6.37-4.tar.bz2
then I searched a bit and found, that this stick works only with the realtek driver - just with kernel 3.02 it should work out of the box
Maybe you can try it with godanes iso - I think thats a developing iso with kernel 3.02
I tried to compile the realtek driver on slitaz-libre, but I cant make install
do you have an idea, what I can do, when I get this error?
root@slitaz:~# make install
make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop.Posted 13 years ago # -
Are you sure your in the correct directory with the make file ?
godanes iso: there is no public repo,the user has to compile their own tazpkgs.@vikingali
#tazpkg remove rtlwifi
Try these: they fail upload the driver that came with the adapter to dropbox,mediafire,etc..
Post the download link.Posted 13 years ago # -
a lot of tazpkgs are included in godanes iso - it has 345MB - I think just for trying, if the stick works there?as always - I am compiling in /home/tux - as there is no config file, I just start with make - and it produces rtl8192cu.ko - then I get root and then make install - should this be done somewhere else? or should I load the rtl8192cu.ko with insmod?
Posted 13 years ago # -
compiles, butmake install
fails I have no answer unless there is no install script.
Selecting your driver,Building and Installing sections on that page
Download rtlwifi-2.6.39-1.tazkg from my previous post,extract it,look at the files.list and receipt.
This will show you where to install rtl8192cu.ko and the post install command to run in terminal.Posted 13 years ago # -
but you compiled on slitaz cooking without a problem? - did you run the or did you compile the driver.
Maybe I have to discuss this with gokhlayeh, because this is an error in slitaz-librePosted 13 years ago # -
@mojo thanks again for your help but I couldn't get it to work with those two either. Here is a link to the driver on the disk that came with it .
thanks again for help
@kultex thanks for your help too.Posted 13 years ago #
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