Hello! I love Slitaz and i've learned a lot since I installed it. I always try to solve my problems but now i'm puzzled and i can`t figure out how to solve the problem.
I have a Wireless PCI Card: D-Link DWA 525. I used the lspci command and i found out that it uses a Ralink 3060 Chipset. I downloaded the drivers from linux from the webpage (http://www.ralinktech.com/support.php?s=2. It has the source files and i've to compile the driver. I'm quite noob with this... i downloaded gcc complier, slitaz-toolchain and other packages. Then i loguin as root in a terminal, change to the driver folder (with all the files to be compiled) and do the following:
make install
The driver doesn`t compile i gives me an error... it says that it couldn't find a folder. The exact line is: /lib/modules/2.6.15-28/build/ no such file or directory.
It gives me that error and i could`t compile the driver.
What can i do to solve this? I really don't know what to do... i would really apreciate your help! I really need to install this card.