Help me run compiz SliTaz or download any version and edit and send me

How to get Compiz working?
(25 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
@valen, unfortunately this problem is not resolved but I still haven't got around testing it on Slitaz 4.0 so not sure whether the problem has gone away with 4.0 or not.
The main problem is that the window decorator (borders and window buttons) do not work while most other features (once I tested) appear to work OK.
Unfortunately, I cannot recall full step by step procedure but essentially it involves downloading all compiz packages and installing them. Do a search for 'compiz' in Slitaz Panel which will list all the packages associated with compiz.
Once you install compiz packages, from memory, you have modify the .xinitrc file and instead of running openbox run compiz as your window manager. For some reason I could not run 'compiz --replace' command from a Openbox terminal.
You will also have to run compiz ccsm if you want to modify compiz features.
Sorry, I can't give you specifics as the computer I am using now is not running Ubuntu and I would need to login to my Slitaz box to dig out more details if you want any further information.
Posted 12 years ago # -
After installation of compiz packages this is what you need to do to start compiz.
Edit .xinitrc
Add a entry for compiz as follows;compiz)
lxpanel &
exec compiz --replace ccp ;;Save .xinitrc and reboot.
When you get the Slitaz login prompt press F1 key. This enables you to choose which window manager you want to use. Keep pressing F1 till you see 'compiz' come up on the bottom part of your screen. Then enter login id and password.
If you install all the compiz packages you should see CompizConfig Setting Manager option under Applications -> Preferences. Use CCSM to configure your compiz features.
But as I said before I was not able to get the Window decorations working and if you do get it working please post the result.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I worked on Compiz these last days and it work like a charm :-) I packaged Emerald the missing window decorator and create a 'compiz' package wich provide the script compiz-session. The compiz-session will automaticaly get compiz config files (I enable, window decoration, move, cube and a few more) so user get a working compiz by default. I also created a Slitaz theme for Emerald.
Actually you just have to modify you ~/.xinitrc and add a case for compiz
case $1 in
compiz) exec compiz-session ;;
esacThe packages are not yet in stable (I can push them, but test on cooking is needed before) also did a LiveCD with compiz working out-of-the-box (tested on intel cards). It is a core system with a 3D desktop, packed in a 39,4 Mb ISO image :-)
On the ISO I use the last ~/.xinitrc from slitaz-base-files: want all WM/DE to be well integrated and easy to install for user, so when it neede I create a windowmanager-session script.
WARNING: On the livecd, we use a custom Compiz config file, cube will rotade with [Shift+button1] but I will change that and use the [Super] key. And to keep LiveCD small I did not include ccsm (dep on Python).
- Christophe
Posted 12 years ago # -
Fantastic news...thanks a lot Christophe. I will certainly give it a try
Posted 12 years ago # -
pankso, I loved your work but you have more control than I do about this. I wish that you would install compiz slitaz4 including ccsm and then clean the temporary files. I really like the idea of a compiz SliTaz flavor but compiz does not work on my hardware.
I will check the iso in another PC with higher specs to see if the problem is the pc.Posted 12 years ago # -
@pankso, not sure what I am doing wrong....downloaded the slitaz-compiz.iso and booted the livecd. Everything looks OK except for window decorations! Checked to see whether Emerald is running which is the case. Installed config-ccsm but it would not run. Any ideas? Thanks
EDIT : Managed to get ccsm running. Window Decoration was checked and I added Emerald as the decorator command. No luck still. Also window move, resize does not work. Forgot to mention that I am using a ATI Radeon card and not an Intel which you have tested on.
Posted 12 years ago # -
OK, it's all good. I had to install the radeon driver and everything came good - looking great! Thanks.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I installed compiz,
right click on Desktop and logout do not work in compiz enabled desktop. (exit) from shutdown applet does not do any thing. (excuse me for using gnome vocabularies, I'm very new to Slitaz)Posted 12 years ago # -
Yep it's because the logout box dont handle compiz, I released slitaz-tools 5.0 in cooking wich have the new logout box.
Posted 12 years ago #
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