Well, there is also the tazpkg commands convert, extract and pack which can be used to make packages. I use it more than the cook method.
My method normally uses the next steps:
1. Download the Debian package of the program I want.
2. Open Sakura and cd to the directory with the package in it.
3. Type tazpkg convert package-name.deb - Note: You do not need to be root for this to work.
4. After it's converted to a tazpkg file, I right click it and extract it. Now you'll have a folder with the package contents in it. You may want to rename it to remove debian version number adds (numbers after the "-" in the version number)
5. Go Into the folder and delete description.txt, files.list and md5sum files - they get recreated at the pack stage.
6. Edit the receipt and delete the SIZE lines. Change the VERSION line to match your folder name and change MAINTAINER to your email address. Keep this file open because we may come back to it.
7. Enter the fs folder now. Go to fs/usr/share - you generally don't need the docs, menu, man and info folders so you can just go ahead and delete them.
8. Now go all the way back to the main directory (that contains the package folder) in Sakura and type tazpkg pack package-folder-name WITHOUT the trailing /. It should pack your new package. Note: You don't need to be root to do this either.
9. Now install your new package. Test if it works by running it from Sakura. It should lead you to missing dependancies which you may have to convert using the same trick.
10. Keep going until it works or forces you to convert more than 5 dependancies. If it needs more than 5 dependancies coverts then it's probably not going to work.
There's more to it, but that should get you going.