I have now installed and got running the slitaz rolling 32bit on an old Pentium 3 laptop. I have a tazpkg I downloaded a long time ago, I cant recall where which installs LibraOffice perfectly with working menu entries etc. However its an old version (LibreOffice-3.5.3)
Its okay but I would like to install a newer version but am finding it difficult to do so. I found this 'http://slitaz.free.fr/index.php?post/2018/01/02/Libreoffice-slitaz-dont-fuck-anymore-with-get-something'
but i cannot get it to work.
My Linux skill is poor and I find it difficult to comprehend some of the advice I find.
Is there an idiot proof tazpkg that I can use to install a newer version of LibreOffice please.

LibreOffice installation
(13 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 6 years ago #
of, I see the version is 1.2 :-(so you can ignore below
tbh, I would not install packages from external websites
I have never had the need for a full office app here on slitaz, so I can only tell this:
1. open a terminal
2. log in as root
3. then type: tazpkg search office
4. this gives me (A)
5. "get-LibreOffice" will probably grab the newest version, so you could try that:
6. type: tazpkg -gi get-LibreOffice
7a. once done, type: get-LibreOffice
7b. not sure if 7a needs sudo rightsanyways, people can tell you more l8
Search result for "office"
Installed packages
0 installed packages found for "office"Available packages
get-LibreOffice 1.2 office
get-OpenOffice3 1.2 office
goffice 0.10.32 libs
goffice-dev 0.10.32 development
goffice-gtk2 0.8.17 libs
goffice-gtk2-dev 0.8.17 development
libreoffice (extra) office
openoffice (extra) office
openoffice3 (extra) office
9 available packages found for "office"Posted 6 years ago # -
Because 5.0 intend to be a rolling edition, there's no LibreOffice prebuild package and neither package maintainer instead of 6.0/Next : the get-script is a better compliant way to install for a rolling release, for such heavy and updated soft.
The main remaining issue is the broken menu launchers after install, even if the script seems have been patched here http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/get-libreoffice-patched , but I don't think so in repo (not tested).
So, start from a clean install (or manualy remove all old LibreOffice files), then :
tazpkg -gi get-LibreOffice
Before build and install package with the get-script, you have to set twice the appropriate locale system variable, (to avoid surprises after long install) :
first in TazPanel as root : Settings > System Language > change locale > reboot ;
then withtazbox locale
, and reboot again.Then, log as root in terminal :
Because you're running on Pentium III, this step will take a lot of time, about 30 minutes.
To get menu launchers working :
rm -f /usr/bin/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice6.0 ln -sf /usr/lib/libreoffice6.0/program/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice6.0
Posted 6 years ago # -
It works fine, I just updated LibreOffice to 6.0
get-LibreOffice-1.2.tazpkgPosted 6 years ago # -
Okay. Please understand my Linux skill is very very basic and youve lost me here
'Before build and install package with the get-script, you have to set twice the appropriate locale system variable, (to avoid surprises after long install) :
first in TazPanel as root : Settings > System Language > change locale > reboot ;
then with tazbox locale , and reboot again.'Can you spell out this step please. I know it may seem obvious to you but I'm still learning.
Many thanks
ps. I've reverted to Slitaz 4Posted 6 years ago # -
You do not need to modify the language, you just have to install as root get-LibreOffice patched:
get-LibreOffice-1.2.tazpkg patched
# tazpkg install get-LibreOffice-1.2.tazpkg --forced
# get-LibreOfficeThen wait several minutes, which will depend on your download speed - and then keep waiting until you compile and install the complete package. The language will automatically adjust to the current language of your system. In my PC AMD athlon x2 250 took 20 minutes the entire process.
Posted 6 years ago # -
Fail at the first hurdle. I get this error
Connecting to download.documentfoundation.org (
wget: server returned error: HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
[ Failed ]
Could not download LibreOffice_6.0.4_Linux_x86_rpm.tar.gz. Exiting.
root@slitaz:/home/david#Posted 6 years ago # -
# tazpkg -gi wgettry again
# get-LibreOfficePosted 6 years ago # -
So I did a clean install and followed the instructions and it downloaded LibreOffice 6.0 but the menus entries under office do not work. I followed the commands given above
To get menu launchers working :
rm -f /usr/bin/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice6.0
ln -sf /usr/lib/libreoffice6.0/program/soffice /usr/bin/libreoffice6.0 but no joy at all.
I have noticed that my Pentium 3 does not meet the minimun system requirements for LibreOffice6 so even if the menus get working its pushing the limits. I have had this same libre office problem previously on this same machine and solved it last time by dawnloading this tazpkg:-http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/get-libreoffice-patched
but the link does not work anymore. Is there this tazpkg hidden somewhere that I can get to.
I love Slitaz and for old machines it is great but the problem of installing an office package is frustrating the hell out of me.
Thanks for the replies so far but I still have this issue.Posted 6 years ago # -
try this option:
http://cook.slitaz.org/next/LibreOffice/downloaddownload LibreOffice-6.0.2.tazpkg - LibreOffice-extra-6.0.2.tazpkg - and its language pack
Posted 6 years ago # -
Thank you rerivero.
That's done it. Worked a treat. I have 2 menu entries now for everything in the office menu, 2 writer, 2 calc etc etc. How do I delete these please. Thank you.Posted 6 years ago # -
as root: (copy and paste)
rm /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
Posted 6 years ago # -
Copy and pasted as root with this result:-
# rm /usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*
rm: can't remove '/usr/share/applications/libreoffice-*': No such file or directoryI thought this was a failure but checking the menu it has deleted the duplicate menu entries. All good now.
Thanks for the excellent responsePosted 6 years ago #
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