hey folks,
mixxx has released a new version, 2.0.
it has loads of new features.
can someone update the mixxx package from 1.10.1 to 2.0?
and could somebody add an xwax package?
( http://xwax.org/devel/source.html )
hey folks,
mixxx has released a new version, 2.0.
it has loads of new features.
can someone update the mixxx package from 1.10.1 to 2.0?
and could somebody add an xwax package?
( http://xwax.org/devel/source.html )
I'm sorry, I don't like to "up" a version number without testing the compilation, and this package is sooo long to cook (45 min!) on tank, it would make my modest computer die...
I'll take a look at xwax when I have time, unless someone else does it meanwhile.
Sorry again for not being helpful. At least this post will bump the thread :)
Here you go: http://cook.slitaz.org/cooker.cgi?download=xwax-1.5.tazpkg
I've put Alsa support, but not Oss nor Jack. Is this OK? Please test.
thanks a lot, llev!
xwax 1.6 is the version im using, i havent tested 1.5 yet.
i have a powerful machine and could build the current mixxx release.
but i have to read up on making packages though..
any tips?
- Read the cookbook http://doc.slitaz.org/en:cookbook:start
- Install cookutils and read its doc
- hope there's no mistake in what follows :-D
- create a "chroot" (it's like a sandbox) which will protect your system when cooking packages:
# tazdev gen-chroot
- go into the chroot
# tazdev chroot
(help: tazdev usage
- setup a wok (the receipt repo, and place where packages are built) by cloning current SliTaz wok, then try it:
# cook setup --wok
# cook test
(help: cook usage
- edit the package receipt:
# (your fav editor) /home/slitaz/wok/mixxx/receipt
change the version number
- cook:
# cook mixxx
- If the cooking succeeds, you'll install the newly built package on your real system to test it:
# exit
(this quits the chroot)
# cd /home/slitaz/cooking/packages
# tazpkg -i mixxx-2.0.tazpkg
- Test. Report.
needs Qt5-Core to build... pity!
ill have to wait .. :(
Maybe we could upgrade to 1.11.0 at least?
good idea.
i should have time tomorrow to build and post.
I checked again: Qt 4.6.0 < is needed for mixxx 2.0.
should be possible!
I'm unable to build, though :(
some of the libraries needed are not available in the slitaz repos so i got corresponding .deb files and converted & installed..
scons still tells me i havent got the libraries installed!
I'm a bit stuck, here...
maybe anyone has time and motivation to fix this one up?
thanks a lot!
I succeeded!
i got the debian packages for
installed them in the chroot
-> they add the .so files in /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ instead of /usr/lib/, so i moved them to there
now i could build mixxx 2.0 with this receipt:
# SliTaz package receipt.
SHORT_DESC="Digital DJ mixing software"
DEPENDS="sqlite libusb libusb-compat protobuf libsndfile libogg libid3tag libmad libvorbis taglib libshout \
portaudio portmidi libQtOpenGL libQtWebkit libQt3Support libQtScript \
libQtSvg libQtDBus libQtPlugins qt4-phonon"
BUILD_DEPENDS="sqlite-dev libusb-dev libusb-compat-dev protobuf-dev libsndfile-dev libogg-dev libid3tag-dev libmad-dev \
libvorbis-dev taglib-dev libshout-dev portaudio-dev qt4-phonon \
Qt4-dev alsa-lib-dev jack-audio-connection-kit-dev mesa-dev scons \
pkg-config flac-dev portmidi"
# Rules to configure and make the package.
cd $src
scons -j 6 qtdir=/usr/lib/qt prefix=/usr shoutcast=0 install_root=$DESTDIR/usr | sed s/ERROR/error/
scons -j 6 qtdir=/usr/lib/qt prefix=/usr install_root=$DESTDIR/usr install | sed s/ERROR/error/
# Rules to gen a SliTaz package suitable for Tazpkg.
cp -a $install/usr $fs
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