trouble description- menu://applications/ from side-panel not working
how to fix: edit usr/bin/lxde-session
add this line 6
export XDG_MENU_PREFIX="lxde-"
trouble description- after logout-then-login, disks not visible or can't unmount in filemanager
how to fix: edit /etc/xdg/autostart/pcmanfm.desktop
Add --exit-with-session
Exec=dbus-launch --exit-with-session pcmanfm --desktop
dbus launched with session, but now I don't know how to use dbus with only 2 instances - system and per-login like described in man + all docs. Maybe this may solve drives unvisible in root-pcmanfm and anyway only one dbus-daemon per user is properly for dbus primary purpose.
trouble description- noIcons of pcmanfm and default image viewer (gpicview) I post this before, packages was rebuilt, but no changes
pcmanfm icon: in panel-yellow dir like anywhere before, on desktop - blue monitor, like mc. And no icon in menu.
/usr/share/applications/pcmanfm.desktop contains Icon=system-file-manager but month-old version uses Icon=pcmanfm
Interesting that midnightcommander looks same in desktop but uses Icon=computer