Okay so I'm relatively new to Linux SliTaz, and I wanted to download playonlinux (found here) And I downloaded the version for all distributions, and extracted it onto the desktop. I have absolutely no idea what to do now, help please? Sorry if this is really simple or has already been asked before.

playonlinux installation help?
(9 posts) (6 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
You can find wine and playonlinux within the package repository. No need to get it off the playonlinux website.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Hi. I too wanted to run / install playonlinux, recently, but to no avail.
@TheInfinitePower: after you unzip it, open a terminal in the directory where you extracted the archive you downloaded and run the executable called playonlinux; this is clearly explained on their site: http://www.playonlinux.com/en/download.html
When I try to run that script I get the following errors: ImportError: No module named wxversion. I could find no such package in the Slitaz packages.
@Trixar_za: playonlinux doesn't seem to be available, at least for my searches, not from tazpanel nor from terminal; is it part of the stable repo or is it only available on cooking?
Posted 12 years ago # -
Install wxpython it should contain the wxversion module that the playonlinux script calls for at install.
Posted 12 years ago # -
hi, you can get it here
it's available on cooking repoPosted 12 years ago # -
@nitrogen_widget: I have wxpython installed, however it doesn't contain wxversion. If you search wxpython in tazpanel, and click on the package name, you get the list of installed files; none of them is wxversion.
@desmo: it seems that the cooking repository is full of goodies, but how safe is it to use packages from there? I mean, what does it take to push a package from cooking to stable?
Posted 12 years ago # -
@BugRaiser - sorry! That is how I resolved my issue on another linux distro. my bad.
Posted 12 years ago # -
I have just tried the playonlinux package on the cooking repository. ...And it doesn't work.
First, running the script says it needs the get-icoutils package. Which doesn't exist in the 4.0 or cooking repo. But in the cooking repo there's a package called icoutils, which I installed and proved to be the missing "link".
Lastly, when I re-ran the get-playonlinux script, it stopped again because of wxversion, so back at where I started. Unfortunately, there's no package called wxversion, not in 4.0 or cooking repo. It clearly is part of some other package, but which one? And in what repo?
But I can live without playonlinux, so giving up for now... It's just a pity that SliTaz packages aren't listing all the needed dependencies right, this is not the first time it happens.
Posted 12 years ago # -
PlayOnLinux working!!!!!!!!!!!!!Aparently one update for wxpython package in cooking repository.
Download package and use --forced for instalation (if you have instaled version for Slitaz 4.0)
Posted 12 years ago #
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