I've download the new package ImageMagick.
If I use the convert command and get always the error:
unable to access configure file colors.xml
@warning /configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/
Have somebody an idea?
I've download the new package ImageMagick.
If I use the convert command and get always the error:
unable to access configure file colors.xml
@warning /configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/
Have somebody an idea?
From which distro did you convert it?
Some distributions are notorious for splitting it's packages. For example, Debian splits ImageMagick into imagemagick, libmagickcore, imagemagick-doc and libmagickwand - all of which need to be converted and installed. Some packages are a pain like that.
Stable and cooking repo:
root@slitaz:~# tazpkg search imagemagick
Search result for: imagemagick
Installed packages
0 installed packages found for : imagemagick
Available packages name-version
2 available package(s) found for : imagemagick
root@slitaz:~# tazpkg get-install imagemagick
Connecting to mirror.slitaz.org (
imagemagick-6.7.0-10 100% |*******************************| 1261k 00:00:00 ETA
Installation of : imagemagick
Copying imagemagick... [ OK ]
Extracting imagemagick... [ OK ]
Extracting the pseudo fs... (lzma) [ OK ]
Installing imagemagick... [ OK ]
Removing all tmp files... [ OK ]
imagemagick (6.7.0-10) is installed.
I use cooking repo.
@mojo The search run brings the same result as in your case.
The program already works.
Only when I want to use functions with fonts or colors can I get the error.
That was the command because I wanted to use
montage -geometry +0+0 -background skyblue -label "My label" \
small.png small_label.png
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