Hello! I installed Slitaz 4.0 and somehow it starts in the text mode. The command startx says that "xorg not found". I set up a network and tried to download-install Xorg, but it says wget: bad adress 'mirror.slitaz.org'. Is there any way to install Xorg on Slitaz 4.0?
P.S. My config:
Pentium II 400 MHz
128 MB RAM

Problems with Xorg on Slitaz 4.0
(6 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 8 years ago #
According to http://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:lowramcd#live-cd-for-low-ram-systems, you should switch to "lowram".
Happy slitazPosted 8 years ago # -
Yes, I installed Loram redaction.
Posted 8 years ago # -
This mirror could be unstable, could you please try another mirror?
Follow this post: http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/please-read-this-before-posting
Posted 8 years ago # -
I tried other mirrors, but in any case was a mistake "wget: bad adress":
wget: bad adress «mirror.switch.ch»
wget: bad adress «download.tuxfamily.org»
Is there any way to install X server on Slitaz 4.0?Posted 8 years ago # -
Lacking "http://"?
Posted 8 years ago #
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