The only way would be to compile the driver into or against the Linux Kernel. This is where tools like usb_modeswitch, connman's 3g module and sakis3g makes it easier - it avoids the whole recompile stage.

Read this if you use a 3G/UTMS/HSDPA/GPRS/EDGE Modem to connect
(24 posts) (10 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Hi Trixar_za
I use sakis3g on slitaz 4 , runs great with all my huawei usb modems , i lately installed slitaz 2 on a lap top but i cant make sakis to run , maybe i should use an older sakis ?
Please help.Posted 12 years ago # -
No, there is just a different set of requirements with each version of SliTaz. This Sakis3g won't run on SliTaz 3 and the latest cooking version either. I have to custom build a sakis3g version for each SliTaz version.
For example here's the link to when I made Sakis3g work on SliTaz 3: try installing those packages in SliTaz 2 and see if helps, but note that the sakis3g-s4 package comes with ps, grep and several of the other tools installed, but some might not work with the older versions of stuff found on SliTaz 2, which means you need to install the package to replace it. But the minimum should be: linux-dialup, bash, usbutils, tar and bzip2
Posted 12 years ago # -
Righto, sakis3g has been updated to the latest version. So grab the latest sakis3g-s4 from the link on the first post ;)
Posted 12 years ago # -
Right, I did another update to the package. This time I changed by hand the 67 new files between the last working copy of the database and the latest one. What does this mean? It means that newer devices should work properly now. So grab the latest copy of the package @ and enjoy!
MAJOR CHANGE: The Sakis3g package now includes ALL the files needed to make it work. That's right, it has the linux-dialup and bash packages INCLUDED with it now. You ONLY have to download the sakis3g package to get online with your 3G Modem on SliTaz 4. Update NOW :P
Posted 11 years ago # -
Works fine, with Samsung B2710 Solid Immerse (Xcover 271)
I used package from 1st post.
Thanks!Posted 11 years ago # -
Yet another update done with the latest database (24 new device definitions added!) and usb_modeswitch. Get it from the usual link:
Remember: You only need this package to get online with 3G/HSDPA/GPRS/EDGE/LTE using SliTaz 4!
Posted 11 years ago # -
Hi I'm having problems with this not working, I'm on slitaz 4.0 and I've got a huawei hilink stick
I've been tinkering with lsmod/rmmod and ?resetting? the stick and sakis3g options with no luck, it's nothing like this guys post: gets as far as 'finding tty' and fails :: I've looked and there's 2 /dev/ttyUSB0 and USB1
I'm not sure what to do at this point? Please help..
Posted 11 years ago # -
Depends on the USB modem and if usb_modeswitch supports it. The one that comes with my sakis3g is the lastest copy of the usb_modeswitch binary and database, with the latter modified to be backward compatible with sakis3g. The other thing is that this version is made for SliTaz 4 and won't work with cooking.
Posted 11 years ago #
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