Using rolling 14-09-2014
I'm trying to install GNU coreutils and this is what I found when installing coreutils-disk:
Downloading, I get the message: "Installing coreutils-disk: failed"
But at the end it says that the package was installed.
On reboot I didn't get any error message. But I check using; tazpkg info coreutils-disk
I got the folllowing message:
sed: -e expression #1, char 109: unterminated address regex
repeated 5 time.
reboot and everything seems to work fine.
Then, I installed coreutils-file-attributes.
I got the same message as before when installing.
I check with tazpkg info and I got the same nessage;
sed: -e expression #1, char 109: unterminated address regex
repeated 5 times.
Reboot and this time there was an error message at booting:
" Cleaning up system .../etc/init.d/RCs: line 230: chmod not found [ failed ]"
But this time the packages menu didn't respond, the Documents icon didn't show up and the background color was different.
I removed the coreutils-file-atributes using tazpkg remove and answered yes to both questions.
On reboot; no error message and the system works fine.
I repeat these operations from the begining 3 times having the same results.
Previous gnu coreutils downloaded with no error and didn't show any wrong behavior on the system.
Before I tried to download the package just "coreutils" of the gnu utilties, but the download stop halfway.
I thought that maybe there was a limitation on the numbers of downloaded packages and that's why I tried first to do several at a time and now finally one at the time to ping point where the problem was.