Figured out my problem with desktop wallpaper not fitting to the screen. Realized that SliTaz was not recognizing correctly EDID info from my monitor, an Acer AL1917W widescreen monitor. Once I manually edited the Xorg config files for the screen and monitor, the display began acting as it should. Odd though that the EDID info in the Xorg log was pretty much on target, Xorg still didn't like it.
SliTaz 4.0-RC2 - Feedback
(182 posts) (47 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
This is a potential security issue I have found in 4.0-RC3. The open ports 80,82 and 6000 are open to ip addresses outside of localhost by default. An nmap of the port show them all open. I am able to connect to the busybox web server hosted on a fresh slitaz install from another computer on my network.
*UPDATE*: I added a bug report. Sorry about the forum post for a plain bug report.
Posted 12 years ago #
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