I downloaded tazdrop from the address given in the discussion on my page in tazweb and unpacked it with tar -xf tazdrop.tar.bz2. It unpacked into a directory /home/tux/tazdrop. When I tried to run tazdrop from the command line there was first an error about not finding the tazdrop.conf file in I think /home/tux/.config/slitaz, so I moved the tazdrop.conf file there, and then tazdrop would run without arguments giving usage information. Running tazdrop --usage gave the same result. Running tazdrop --dnd or tazdrop --notes gave the error message tazdrop: line 112: yad: not found. I was surprised that running tazdrop http://www.os2.com opened tazweb and displayed the web page. After closing tazweb there were several error messages in the console xterm. I will try to cut and paste the errors in a supplemental post. I was not able to get a tazdrop icon on my desktop.

(5 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Here are some error messages.
tux@slitaz:~$ /home/tux/tazdrop/tazdrop http://www.os2.com
(process:21981): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library. Using the fallback 'C' locale.** (process:21981): WARNING ** Error loading plugin: libaspell.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
** Message: console message: @0: Unable to post message to http://googleleads.g.doubleclick.net. Recipient has origin http://www.os2.com.
These messages may not be entirely accurate as I visually copied them from the console to this post. How do you copy and paste to and from the console in xterm in slitaz?
Posted 13 years ago # -
#tazpkg get-install slitaz-toolchain
#tazpkg get-install yad
cd into the extracted tazdrop folder with the MAKE file
#make install
tazdrop --usage
tazdrop --dnd &
Look for Drag N'Drop panel lower left corner
menu/Office/Dropped Notes
See README and /etc/slitaz/tazdrop.conf for more help.#tazpkg get-install sakura
Terminal with rt click copy/paste menu.Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks Mojo and sorry Merlin I forgot to tell you it was using yad and need a make install to work properly. That in this cas one dont need the full toolchain but just make.
And in the time... I managed to get download working directly into TazWeb... so not sure TazDrop is usefull, it's one more apps running in session and using resources just do dowload files on demand. At the moment I'm thinking I will reuse a bit of code but just to have GUI downloader since I just use xterm/wget with TazWeb.
What do you think guys ? Better a small downloader executed only on request or TazDrop is a usefull app ?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Before I saw the last two comments by mojo and pankso I copied the tazdrop file to the desktop and dropped a text file onto the desktop icon. The text file then appeared on the desktop and not in the data/dropped notes file where I thought it might be. It also did not appear in the /home/tux/.cache/tazdrop.notes file as suggested in the readme file. What did appear in the /home/tux/.cache/tazdrop.notes file was the url (www.os2.com) that I had used with tazdrop on the command line in xterm (tazdrop http://www.os2.com). I guess these somewhat unexpected results are because tazdrop was not completely or correctly installed. Anyway, I am not a great fan of drag and drop functions. I am always unsure what the actual effect of the dragging and dropping is going to be. I much prefer menus with labels so I am more confident of what I am doing and what might happen. I would greatly prefer having downloading built into tazweb or a small downloader executed on request from within tazweb rather than an application like tazdrop, though it is an interesting idea.
Posted 13 years ago #
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