Using the upgraded lastest cooking version of slitaz and tazweb 1.2, I have occasionally experienced a lockup of the tazweb browser when posting to this forum. Unexpectedly, the browser will freeze, and the cpu usage monitor goes to maximum and stays that way indefinitely. However, I am able to go to an xterm console, do a pidof tazweb command, and then kill tazweb pidof command to close the browser. Has anyone else experienced this, or could it be peculiar to my setup? Any comment is appreciated. Thanks.

TazWeb Browser Lockup
(21 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 13 years ago #
Hi Merlin,
Keep in mind it's a new product and I'will improving/fixing it with the time being, for memory bugs I think I shoul use malloc. That said, TazWeb 1.3 as it the cooking mirror this night! What new ? TazWeb 1.3 was hugely improved: download works (via xterm/wget), custom contextual menu, zoom in and out, view source mode, search entry in the toolbar and a more sexy interface with a loader area.
Note also thet work on TazWeb 1.4 have already started and "Open link in new window", will open a new webview as expected but the functionnality is a bit buggy for now! Any help is welcome.
PS: Posting using TazWeb 1.3 :-)
Posted 13 years ago # -
Thanks for your response and information. I will download and try tazweb 1.3 as soon as I can. I am amazed that you can keep all this coding going so quickly. I would like to help. I have virtually no coding experience or expertise. Perhaps there is some other simpler task that I could perform to help. Let me know. Thanks.
Posted 13 years ago # -
I downloaded the tazweb 1.3 package from the web repository. I installed it with tazpkg install. It installed okay. It removed tazweb 1.2 during the install. One of the first things I did was click on the home icon in the toolbar. I received the error message "Error stating file '/home/tux/.config/tazweb/home.html': No such file or directory". I guess no home.html file is created during installation. Please note the typographical error "stating" should be "starting", I think. I see the personal web page is gone. I kinda liked that. The search field in the toolbar works and goes to google. That's good, but perhaps should be labeled or indicated as a search field. The address field in the toolbar seems to work okay, but is no longer in white field. That's okay, but missed the white field background. I have not tried everything new, but may write more later. Thanks.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Looking at this again and comparing tazweb 1.3 to 1.2 I see that the home.html file replaces the page.html file? Is that correct? So clicking the home icon takes one to a personal home page rather than the start page?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Yes and it's meant to create the file and path for you. It doesn't work like that for me on Stable, so not sure if it's the same for Cooking. I might branch away from Tazweb and make my own based on the code :P
Posted 13 years ago # -
So if you rename /home/tux/.config/tazweb/page.html from tazweb 1.2 to /home/tux/.config/tazweb/home.html in tazweb 1.3, clicking on the home icon in the toolbar takes one to the personal home page. The file downloading function seems to work well if you have a /home/tux/Downloads subdirectory. I very much like the addition of the ability to download a file. Tazweb 1.3 looks pretty good. Thanks.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Well, it would be nice to be able to build one's own web browser or any other application, but it seems like it is a huge effort, the coding, the compiling, and the debugging.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Since we're talking about building browsers, what might be the next enhancement? What about a chat function, or is that just too much to build into a basic browser?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Hi guys,
First of thanks for the feedback and sorry for the page.html --> home.html I moved that because I found it was to much to have one home button and one personnal button so the default behavor now is:
* One start page who point to the system wide SliTaz webhome (common to all browser in SliTaz)
* One personnal home page in user space that you can edit/modifiy etc.@Trixar_ta what's not working in stable ? The creation of the $HOME/.config/tazweb with files ? Hey and before forking TazWeb... it would be more productive to help me, you can have acces to TazWeb repo as I told you already. Look yesterday I pushed change to make "open in new window" work and everthing works except the fullscreen mode, it is always the first mainwindow who get fullscreen...
For the next release, nice you talk about that Merlin. First limitation, my knowlege in GTK, not sure I can implement a chat function actually... and what kind of chat ? MSN and co or IRC ?
On the design side, I remove colors from code and you will get usual theme color like white into the url entry, I also removed the progress bar since it's not themable, crash the browse when more that one window open and add some bloat to TazWeb... but if one can make it work properly with the new multi-window function, we can discuss putting it back. For now I think it more important to have "open in new window" working like a charm than a sexy progress bar.
That said TazWeb do all what I need personnaly and what SliTaz needs so all next features will be users requests if it feet into TazWeb philosophy: KISS
@Merlin You said if you can help... you can help. We must find a way to edit home.html easier we can also rethink the page, add a set of bookmarks or whatever.Note I can help you with xHTML. One idea I have is to split the file in 2 with bookmarks.html having only a simple list and include in the wich keep the desinh, clound, etc.
Oh and THANK Merlin for the donation :-)
Posted 13 years ago # -
@pankso I've been thinking about adding the search function to the address bar. It will simply check if a / (forward slash) is used within the query. If not, then it will run a search on it. If it however does, then it will try to go to that address. It's a cheap hack, but might just work. I'm checking on how to do it (my C is really really bad :P).
Posted 13 years ago # -
In the last tazweb I add a function to handle and in the url entry or from cmdline. So you must modif check_requested_uri() with a simple if/else like it does now. That said, in you dont have any slash so you can't just base you on that, maybe if [a-z]*.* since we want a domain but if I want to go to localhost ?
The better thing I think is to make a webkit check to see if you can reach the requested url (keeping the transformation of to if not then go for a search.
Posted 13 years ago # -
Is it a glob match or regex match? With regex, that would be a very bad match. Maybe something like [a-zA-z]\.[org|net|co|com] would be a better match?
Posted 13 years ago # -
Yes it was just for the example, but I think it is not the optimal solution since we can have host without extension such as localhost or in a intranet.
PS: To learn about webkit, look into the source ( and the test folder ther is many greate examples: src/webkit-1.2.7/WebKit/gtk/tests
Posted 13 years ago # -
I'm not sure the open in new window function works on my system using tazweb 1.3. I'm using tazweb 1.3 now, and twice I tried to open the link above ( in a new window, and twice it did not work. It opened in the same window, so when I closed what I thought was a new window, the whole browser closed. The other thing I noticed is that the green online indicator stayed green when I returned to the forum even though I was not logged in. Initially, my online, or I guess it's offline, indicator was grey. Put another way, closing the browser logs me out of the forum, but the online indicator stays green. The progress bar I don't remember. It is nice to know when a page has finished loading. I actually don't use chat much or know much about it. I see there is a separate chat program in slitaz. What I had in mind is that it would be nice to be able to chat on websites that offer the opportunity to chat. Sometimes it's a service feature for support or information. Actually, I see that one can chat on facebook. I have not tried that. It is part of the website I guess, but would one be able to take advantage of that feature with tazweb. Maybe I'll try it on facebook if I find someone to chat with me. I know almost nothing about xhtml either, but I am willing to learn. Maybe we need a dedicated editor to use with the home.html file. That's I guess similar to just adding builtin bookmark functionality to tazweb. Pankso, you're welcome. I hope you have a good trip.
Posted 13 years ago #
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