Looks the crazy-risk-taking-ideas is a big tribe :-)
He claims to have packed xorg+desktop manager+pcmanfm+leafpad+wireless full+sound+web browser+whatever else in only what was it, a hundreds megabytes?
Seems to me even more than what you packed in Slitaz.
I'm monitoring that discussion, if any news will keep you posted ;-)

Toolchain updates
(65 posts) (19 voices)-
Posted 9 years ago #
Only with the Kernel and Xorg - the rest is stripped and size optimized packages from TinyCore. Puppy's Woof takes a similiar route, but comes with several binaries already to avoid some me the larger extra packages Ubuntu can pull with it.
Ubuntu is a collection of several big packages. Even without Mono, it still grabs two versions of python, tcl/tk and perl (with several large libraries) to make it's magic work. Ubuntu is kind me a dependancy hell.
Posted 9 years ago # -
sed 's/ me / of /g'
Posted 9 years ago # -
Predictive text - keeps confusing of with me.
Posted 9 years ago # -
news from the crazy-risk-taking-ideas tribe! :-)
it looks the person didn't get along with the administrators there, but he claims to have packed all in 67MB, using only ubuntu debs.
I could try to contact the person, ask if he wants to come here and join our tribe... ;-)
What do you think trixar?Posted 9 years ago #
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