I have grown a slitaz addict in the past 2 weeks. I got allmost every application i want to work, but that took such a long time! Back when I used Arch, you had the AUR. You could find almost any application in there, and installing was very easy using yaourt. I was wondering if we could setup something like that for slitaz. Any interest in helping me with this?

User repository
(12 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
have been thinking the same lately.
not sure how i could help thoughPosted 12 years ago # -
It would be great if you could help me writing a script which can create packages from user contributed scripts/recipies/something like that.
Posted 12 years ago # -
not sure what you mean....
I have not created package, i have mostly converted package from .deb, or installed directly without goint throught the package story.I think some idea/involvement from someone closer to the project would be a good idea here.
I have seen several package not included, and i am not sure i understand why (eg, package converted from .deb will not be included in the repository). Why is that ?
Eg the autolock package from Trixar ? but i can see others that it would make sense to include.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Here's my idea:
-Create a bash script which will automatically install the package you want
-Upload it to a special dropbox account
-Other users will be able to pull the scripts from dropbox and install them using an application, simple as that!So, what does the slitaz community think? Scripts or recipies, dropbox or a real mirror?
You can login to dropbox with:
password:tazurtazurupload scripts to public>scripts like newscript.tazsh Do NOT forget the .tazsh or your script can't be pulled from dropbox using the application.
In the public folder you'll also find a very very beta version of "tazur", this script can download and run user scripts for you. All it needs is /etc/tazur.conf, I will upload this soon.
tazur usage:
./tazur.sh $script
replace $script with the script you want to download and run.Posted 12 years ago # -
Personally, I was thinking of a respository for finished package (like those that got converted), where users can upload the packages they made for SliTaz. It would be an unofficial repository and semi-unrecommended.
Posted 12 years ago # -
a repository with finished packages would indeed be the easiest to use, but also the most tricky to create and manage. finished packages take up loads of space, that's why all the 36500 packages in the AUR are scripts instead of precompiled packages.
And you could even upload a script which downloads and installs your precompiled packages located somewhere else.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Hi wildarch,
The SliTaz project can endorse a user repository. In fact I already have a few lines of code, my idea is to allow users to build packages on our server via a webinterface to cook, this will allow us to check the package receipt quality and build. I think we must provide binary packages, HD space is not a problem and we would be restrictive on packaging (sorry aur is cool but you can find crappy and very old packages, also if you own a package, anyone else can fix it)
For me we should use SliTaz receipt, with a custom repo and Hg repo (yes when a user create a new package from the web interface we do a commit, so we can then fix-update-etc receipt. If we do a clear web interface I think it can be even easier than now to create a package. We would have a simple form with name, desc, url, etc.
Also, I know we have users with very low resource, if we can let them use the power of our servers rather than compiling package locally it would be nice.
If you interested by this concept, we can already do tazur.slitaz.org or upr.slitaz.org (upr = user packages repository) and work together on the web interface.
- ChristophePosted 12 years ago # -
I think your idea is more like the opensuse build service or Launchpad. That's an even better idea! The only problem is I can do some bash-scripting, but that's about it. I have absolutely no experience with web-interfaces, so I can't help with building.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Dear wildarch, you are at SliTaz! we do everything with shell scripts, look at http://pizza.slitaz.me or http://bugs.slitaz.org both are powered by shell script and CGI. and if we go this way we will have to write text info, css, etc. so plenty of work! I'm going out right now, but will show you the simplicity of CGI shell scripts. are you currently running slitaz ?
Posted 12 years ago # -
I'm running slitaz now, why'd you ask?
Posted 12 years ago # -
this web interface concept sounds like a great idea to me
and me (and others) will certainly contribute.Also, you should allow for converted package to be added there.
I have a number of packages that i converted, so as other have, and at least, it is possible to make them available to others.Last, there are a number of issues in the package that end up not being corrected.
EG, locale C package that was not in the prerequs of abiword.There is a need to enhance the procedure (!) to update existing package when an error like that is found. Obviously, the time spent to re-explain that is much higher than to solve the issue directly.
But, who 'should" solve such an issue ?
Posted 12 years ago #
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