Raspberry Pi Zero is launched today with Broadcom BCM2835 1GHz ARM11 core application processor. So will SliTaz be available for Pi Zero?
The day SliTaz is available, I'll purchase Raspberry Pi Zero....
Raspberry Pi Zero is launched today with Broadcom BCM2835 1GHz ARM11 core application processor. So will SliTaz be available for Pi Zero?
The day SliTaz is available, I'll purchase Raspberry Pi Zero....
As Raspberri Pi Zero uses the same SOC chip as the older RPi boards, I guess it will work exactly the same.
Take a look in: http://arm.slitaz.org/rpi/
I tried, but it didn't work...
It worked only on the Original RPi (256 MB RAM) - ref: http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/still-wont-boot-pi-f2fs-message#post-29237
Is it possible to create a slitaz image, similar to the piCore-7 (http://forum.tinycorelinux.net/index.php/topic,19246.0.html ), that will run on RPi A/B/B+/2/0 ?
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