but on slitaz 4.0-RC3, wich i directly downloaded to test, still having problems to get shown the correct battery state. it only appears the yellow eg. grey bar and notes "battery 100% charged". how can i resolve this and how can i change the icon to the gnome one like the others (speaker, net status ...)?

SliTaz 4.0-RC2 - Feedback
(182 posts) (47 voices)-
Posted 12 years ago #
Where did you get this RC3 from? And what is the difference to RC2?
Posted 12 years ago # -
from http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/cooking/slitaz-4.0-RC3.iso .
but couldn't figure out what's the difference ecept the new integrated packages. too less time to hava a intensive look inside. and therefor i'm too newbie for this. i just like this nice os and try out, which is the stablest version for my fujitsu-siemens lifebook p7010.Posted 12 years ago # -
Launching the rolling SliTaz4.0-RC3 LiveCD on an HP Vectra VL420 DT with a Pentium 4 CPU (1.6 GHz), 512MB of PC100 RAM, and an NVidia GeForce FX 5200 128MB video card. I was taken directly to the desktop on this version and everything so far works and does so very very fast! I have found no flaws yet. I'm making this post from the live system and I'll report back after more experimentation. Excellent work! This is one of the few LiveCD systems that recognizes my setup on boot.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Thanks a lot for the hint to RC3, which was under my radar. This is the first RC that came up to a working Xscreen on my main machine. And it looks indeed very good.
So, @developers, what exactly did you change with this release?root@slitaz:~# tazpkg list | grep xorg
xorg-server 1.9.5 x-window
xorg-setxkbmap 1.2.0 x-window
xorg-xauth 1.0.5 x-window
xorg-xcompmgr 1.1.4 x-window
xorg-xf86-input-evdev 2.6.0 x-window
xorg-xf86-input-synapti 1.3.0 x-window
xorg-xf86-video-intel 2.15.0 x-window
xorg-xf86-video-nv 2.1.18 x-window
xorg-xf86-video-vesa 2.3.0 x-window
[...]root@slitaz:~# tazpkg list | grep drm
libdrm 2.4.25 x-window
libdrm-intel 2.4.25 x-window
linux-drm 2.6.37 base-systemI am glad, but I cannot see the reason.
Posted 12 years ago # -
As JTCullen64n I've launched the RC3 LiveCD on my MSNet (Pentium IV 1.5GHz 512 M RAM / nVidia GeForce2 MX200 32 Mo), it's a real pleasure !
Unfortunately, I won't have time this week to play with it and test it.
Congratulations again to the developers. No doubt the 4.0 stable will be a great version.Ceel.
Posted 12 years ago # -
nouveau drm was removed.
http://hg.slitaz.org/wok/rev/ebfa87b63143I only speak english :-)
Posted 12 years ago # -
For those who have problems using unetbootin:
With my netbook I also cannot boot RC2 if the LiveUSB stick has been created by unetbootin, the error message being
VFS: Please append a correct "root=" boot option
Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)When I created the LiveStick with Lili (http://www.linuxliveusb.com), however, everything worked out nicely. At least on this machine (Samsung N145+).
Posted 12 years ago # -
Excellent. This then is the point, apparently. I tested it in the meantime on different machines, worked flawlessly. My impression is that nvidia cards had the trouble with this drm then, other cards (I tested today one in an old HP machine) not.
Thanks to all of you for a great contribution!Posted 12 years ago # -
Using the same system I mentioned in a previous post, I wandered through Slitaz4.0-RC3 to see how the day to day things work for the average users, like my wife and kids. Changed screen resolution using the widget in the Preferences menu and with XRandr in XTerm. Changed my wallpaper with the widget in the Preferences menu. Installed Adobe Flash from XTerm and watched a couple YouTube videos and saw pretty smooth playback. Scrolled through Facebook which was very smooth - wife and kids will love that. Midori does tend to become unstable with heavy use of Flash. Installed Abiword with TazPkg and wrote a document. Listened to an MP3 with AlsaPlayer and tweaked the volume just a touch with AlsaMixer. Using PCMan FM copied files to and from a slave drive and from a USB thumb drive. Played with several of the widgets and other apps. Attempted to create a LiveCD with the wizard and, stumbling since this was my first try with Slitaz, didn't quite make it to the burning to CD. I found the md5 but no ISO was in sight. Probably my mistake there. System is very stable, looks nice, and for as far as I've fiddled, everything works very quickly and smoothly. Whatever bugs are left are hidden a little deeper than my first look at RC3. Nice job overall - astounding performance for a 40MB download!
Posted 12 years ago # -
I have problems creating a live-USB using dd. It seems to be the same issue as with RC1. There was no partition table in the iso file (so it's not a hybrid-iso file). Can it be similar now?
Posted 12 years ago # -
Just upgraded from RC2 to RC3 and all is ok.
My fossil PII Scenic Siemens-Nixdorf with NVIDIA GPU GeForce FX 5500 was never this fast.Great job !
TibiPosted 12 years ago # -
This isn't a major bug and I haven't really looked into it further yet but, at some point, probably after I installed NVidia non-free driver 173.x, I noticed that the icon for the TazPkg manager on the right side of the lower panel, has disappeared. I can still get to it through the System Tools menu though. BTW, for those with a system similar to mine, GLXGears with above NVidia drivers, reports about 7000 frames/5sec or about 1400 fps, the highest I've ever seen it on my setup.
Posted 12 years ago # -
@JTCullen64 : the icon for the Tazpkg manager on the right side of the lower panel is a desktop notification that there are upgrades of your packages available on the repos. Once your system up-to-date, it disappears.
Posted 12 years ago # -
Unfortunatly, Midori 0.4.4 crashes with hotmail.
You can forget Midori for Slitaz 4
Posted 12 years ago #
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